Corporal or Acting
Corporal/Acting is the fifth highest rank a cadet can achieve. He/She must work along with the Sergeant to carry out the command of the Staff Sergeant. He/she must have the age of 11years to 13 years. He/she must be ready to work along with all NCOs and must give the Sergeant a run down of which NCOs do work along with him/her. He/She will be wearing one sleeve that has two V-shapes on the left arm.
The Corporal as the Junior NCO must meet the requirements set by the Advancement Board with regard to age, rank, tenure in the Corp, performance, or whatever requirements are established by the NCOs’ Council.
He/She should:-
1. participate in junior leader training
2. plan Corp-patrol meetings and activities
3. assist in leading Corp-patrol meetings and activities
4. keep Corp-patrol members informed
5. share leadership by giving each Corp-patrol member a task (job)
6. instruct Corp-patrol members in Woodcraft Skills, Citizenship, Physical Fitness, Hiking, Safe Fire Building, Nature/Conservation, Outdoor Cooking, Camping, and Parade Drills
7. represent the Corp-patrol in NCOs’ Council Meetings
8. understand the needs of the Corp-patrol
9. prepare Corp-patrol to take part in all Corp activities
10. develop Corp-patrol spirit and control
11. work with Corp Adult Leaders to make the Corp run well
12. set the example